segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

Atividade - Língua Inglesa UERJ FFP


Aqui estão as atividades para a leitura dos capítulos finais do livro Pragmatics
Aguardo vocês com seus comentários e no dia 03 de Outubro. Não esqueçam das outras atividades propostas que devem ser finalizadas até esta data.

Língua Inglesa V
Yule – cap 5 até 9

1. Explain, with the help of examples, the meaning of the sentences below.
(a) Implicatures are primary examples of more being communicated than is said, but in order for them to be interpreted, some basic cooperative principle must be assumed in the operation.
(b) there are, however, some circumstances where speakers may not follow the expectations of the cooperative principle.
(c) It is important to note that it is speakers who communicate meaning via implicature and it is listeners who recognize those communicated meaning via inference.

2. Define, using yours own words, the concepts listed:

(a) Illocutionary act
(b) Perlocutionary act
(c) Locutionary act
(d) Coherence
(e) Script
(f) frame

3. comment:
In conversation, silence is significant and will be interpreted as meaningful.
It must follow, then, that conversations between those who are close familiars will tend to have fewer elaborate dispreferreds than conversations between those who are still working out their relationship.